The Tower and War Memorial Cross


St. Mary's Church

New Treasurer Needed for January 2021

Andrew Howard, the church's Honorary Treasurer, has decided to hand over the reins with the start of the new financial year on 1st January 2021.

There are four broad strands to the job and it may be possible to divide these between up to four people:-

  1. Management of the bank accounts, receiving income, and paying bills, as well as monitoring the small investment portfolio;

  2. Management of receipts from voluntary giving schemes, submitting Gift Aid claims from time to time;

  3. Paying in receipts to the HSBC Bank;

  4. Acting as purchasing and receiving officer for wide variety of goods and services required to conduct services, and operate the premises, plus negotiating new utilities and photocopier contracts from time to time.

The new person or people will need to be in post for January and the role would break down into these strands fairly simply.

The outgoing treasurer would expect to see the 2020 accounts through to audit during the early months of 2021, while successor(s) settle(s) into the job(s), with his guidance as required.

Operating the first two components of the job require familiarity with Microsoft Excel or similar spreadsheets. Andrew would be very pleased to discuss the job(s) with anyone who feels they might be able to help. It is a job essential to the smooth running of the church, and has given very great satisfaction over the years, but he would like to hand it on. If you would like to discuss the job(s) please contact him, Andrew Howard. His contact details can be found here or in the Parish Magazine.

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